Week of December 18

We had a great week in 5A! Ask your students where they are on the super improver chart! Some of the students are already half way up the wall!  If you need anything, please feel free to message me on DOJO. I will get back to you quickly. I typically don’t check this after 9pm.

Congrats to Layla! She is our new Wonderful Wildcat!

Project Impact Information:

Please continue to donate to our Giving Tree! Everything donated goes to help those in our community! Thank you for your help.


Many assignments are posted on our canvas page. Your child knows how to get into his/her canvas account. Ask them to show you what we have posted. This is also a great spot to find YouTube videos and Khan Academy videos about the topics we are studying. ALL of the study guides are also posted. Please let me know if you aren’t able to log in. 

Important Dates:

Holiday Spirit Week Dress Up Days:

Monday- Backwards day

Tuesday- Crazy hair day

Wednesday- Favorite Sport Team Day

Thursday- PJ Day

Week of December 18-21 – Holiday spirit week/ end of quarter 2

Wednesday, December 20- white elephant gift exchange and Tuck movie

Thursday, December 21- 9-10 am- Holiday parties

5th grade Christmas play- 10:00 am

Reading/Lang. Arts:

  • Complete AR test for Tuck if you haven’t already
  • We will spend the week diving into a new Storyworks together
  • The next journal is a paragraph about your new year’s resolution. It is due this week. There will be no new journal until after break!
  • There is NO READING LOG! Enjoy some time off, but please don’t forget to read!
  • If your child needs help finding a book, I am happy to help them. It is his/her responsibility to come to me and ask for help!


  • Math muscle will begin again after break. Math muscle are due on Friday. We will play bingo and students need to have this completed. This is a great review of all of the concepts we have learned so far this year.
  • We will review the concepts and skills that we have learned so far this year. Please encourage your child to spend some time each night on a math site! It WILL help their overall math knowledge!
  • There WILL BE NO MORNING MATH next week! I have gym duty!
  • Math expectations for quarter 2 are to complete 30 minutes of math websites a week. A great place to start is Xtra Math. Students may then choose from Khan Academy or Frontrowed.  The December math expectations are due on December 20th! 
  • The math expectations for December are a bit shorter due to the shorter month!


  • Our next new science unit will begin after winter break.

Social Studies

  • No daily geography next week!
  • Students are encouraged to watch the Channel One news too!
  • We are going to begin Chapter 3 in our social studies book. It is about the Civil War.
  • Students are completing daily assignments in class. They will need to study for this test. It’s a great habit to study a little each day so that it’s not overwhelming to them!

Shhh! Don’t tell! Tell me one fun thing that you plan on doing over break!

42 thoughts on “Week of December 18

  1. one fun thing i plan to do is celebrate christmas with my family from Canada and here, and also play with my friends and have some sleepovers!

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